

Command Name



.imageonlychannel / .imageonly Administration Administration

Toggles whether the channel only allows images. Users who send more than a few non-image messages will be banned from using the channel.

Administrator Server Perms
.linkonlychannel / .linkonly Administration Administration

Toggles whether the channel only allows links. Users who send more than a few non-link messages will be banned from using the channel.

Administrator Server Perms
.slowmode Administration Administration

Toggles slowmode on the current channel with the specified amount of time. Provide no parameters to disable.

ManageChannels Channel Perms
.slowmode.slowmode 27s.slowmode 3h15m5s
.delmsgoncmd / .dmc Administration Administration

Toggles the automatic deletion of the user's successful command message to prevent chat flood. You can use it either as a server toggle, channel whitelist, or channel blacklist, as channel option has 3 settings: Enable (always do it on this channel), Disable (never do it on this channel), and Inherit (respect server setting). Use list parameter to see the current states.

Administrator Server Perms
.delmsgoncmd.delmsgoncmd channel enable.delmsgoncmd ch inherit.delmsgoncmd list
.deafen / .deaf Administration Administration

Deafens mentioned user or users.

DeafenMembers Server Perms
.deafen "@Someguy".deafen "@Someguy" "@Someguy"
.undeafen / .undef Administration Administration

Undeafens mentioned user or users.

DeafenMembers Server Perms
.undeafen "@Someguy".undeafen "@Someguy" "@Someguy"
.delvoichanl / .dvch Administration Administration

Deletes a voice channel with a given name.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.delvoichanl VoiceChannelName
.creatvoichanl / .cvch Administration Administration

Creates a new voice channel with a given name.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.creatvoichanl VoiceChannelName
.deltxtchanl / .dtch Administration Administration

Deletes a text channel with a given name.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.deltxtchanl TextChannelName
.creatxtchanl / .ctch Administration Administration

Creates a new text channel with a given name.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.creatxtchanl TextChannelName
.settopic / .st Administration Administration

Sets a topic on the current channel.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.settopic My new topic
.setchanlname / .schn Administration Administration

Changes the name of the current channel.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.setchanlname NewName
.nsfwtoggle / .artoggle Administration Administration

Toggles whether the current channel is age-restricted.

ManageChannels Server Perms
.edit Administration Administration

Edits bot's message, you have to specify message ID and new text. You can optionally specify target channel. Supports embeds.

ManageMessages Channel Perms
.edit 7479498384 Hi :^).edit #other-channel 771562360594628608 New message!.edit #other-channel 771562360594628608 {"description":"hello"}
.delete / .del Administration Administration

Deletes a single message given the channel and message ID. If channel is ommited, message will be searched for in the current channel. You can also specify time parameter after which the message will be deleted (up to 7 days). This timer won't persist through bot restarts.

ManageMessages Channel Perms
.delete #chat 771562360594628608.delete 771562360594628608.delete 771562360594628608 5m
.threadcreate / .thcr Administration Administration

Create a public thread with the specified title. You may optionally reply to a message to have it as a starting point.

CreatePublicThreads Channel Perms
.threadcreate Q&A
.threaddelete / .thdel Administration Administration

Delete a thread with the specified name in this channel. Case insensitive.

ManageThreads Channel Perms
.threaddelete Q&A
.autopublish Administration Administration

Make the bot automatically publish all messages posted in the news channel this command was executed in.

ManageMessages Channel Perms
.autoassignrole / .aar Administration AutoAssignRoleCommands

Toggles the role which will be assigned to every user who joins the server. You can run this command multiple times to add multiple roles (up to 3). Specifying the role that is already added will remove that role from the list. Provide no parameters to list current roles.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.autoassignrole.autoassignrole RoleName
.sqlselect Administration DangerousCommands

Executes provided sql query and returns the results. Dangerous.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.sqlselect SELECT * FROM DiscordUser LIMIT 5
.sqlselectcsv Administration DangerousCommands

Executes provided sql query and returns the results in a csv file. Dangerous.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.sqlselectcsv SELECT * FROM DiscordUser LIMIT 5
.sqlexec Administration DangerousCommands

Executes provided sql command and returns the number of affected rows. Dangerous.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.sqlexec UPDATE DiscordUser SET CurrencyAmount=CurrencyAmount+1234
.purgeuser Administration DangerousCommands

Purge user from the database completely. This includes currency, xp, clubs that user owns, waifu info

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.purgeuser @Oblivion
.deletexp Administration DangerousCommands

Deletes everything from UserXpStats, Clubs and sets users' TotalXP to 0.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.deletewaifus Administration DangerousCommands

Deletes everything from WaifuUpdates, WaifuItem and WaifuInfo tables.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.deletewaifu Administration DangerousCommands

Deletes everything from WaifuUpdates, WaifuItem and WaifuInfo tables for the specified user. Also makes specified user's waifus free.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.deletecurrency Administration DangerousCommands

Deletes everything from Currency and CurrencyTransactions.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.gamevoicechannel / .gvc Administration GameVoiceChannelCommands

Toggles game voice channel feature in the voice channel you're currently in. Users who join the game voice channel will get automatically redirected to the voice channel with the name of their current game, if it exists. Can't move users to channels that the bot has no connect permission for. One per server.

Administrator Server Perms
.boost Administration GreetCommands

Toggles announcements on the current channel when someone boosts the server.

ManageServer Server Perms
.boostde Administration GreetCommands

Sets the time it takes (in seconds) for boost messages to be auto-deleted. Set it to 0 to disable automatic deletion.

ManageServer Server Perms
.boostde 0.boostde 30
.boostmsg Administration GreetCommands

Sets a new boost announcement message. Type %user.mention% if you want to show the name the user who left. Full list of placeholders can be found here Using this command with no message will show the current boost message. You can use embed json from instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

ManageServer Server Perms
.boostmsg %user.mention% has boosted the server!!!
.greetdel / .grdel Administration GreetCommands

Sets the time it takes (in seconds) for greet messages to be auto-deleted. Set it to 0 to disable automatic deletion.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetdel 0.greetdel 30
.greet Administration GreetCommands

Toggles announcements on the current channel when someone joins the server.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetmsg Administration GreetCommands

Sets a new join announcement message which will be shown in the server's channel. Type %user.mention% if you want to mention the new member.
Full list of placeholders can be found here Using it with no message will show the current greet message.
You can use embed json from instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetmsg Welcome, %user.mention%.
.greetdm Administration GreetCommands

Toggles whether the greet messages will be sent in a DM (This is separate from greet - you can have both, any or neither enabled).

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetdmmsg Administration GreetCommands

Sets a new join announcement message which will be sent to the user who joined. Type %user.mention% if you want to mention the new member. Using it with no message will show the current DM greet message. You can use embed json from instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetdmmsg Welcome to the server, %user.mention%
.bye Administration GreetCommands

Toggles announcements on the current channel when someone leaves the server.

ManageServer Server Perms
.byemsg Administration GreetCommands

Sets a new leave announcement message. Type %user.mention% if you want to show the name the user who left. Full list of placeholders can be found here
Using this command with no message will show the current bye message. You can use embed json from instead of a regular text, if you want the message to be embedded.

ManageServer Server Perms
.byemsg %user.mention% has left.
.byedel Administration GreetCommands

Sets the time it takes (in seconds) for bye messages to be auto-deleted. Set it to 0 to disable automatic deletion.

ManageServer Server Perms
.byedel 0.byedel 30
.byetest Administration GreetCommands

Sends the bye message in the current channel as if you just left the server. You can optionally specify a different user.

ManageServer Server Perms
.byetest.byetest @SomeoneElse
.greettest Administration GreetCommands

Sends the greet message in the current channel as if you just joined the server. You can optionally specify a different user.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greettest.greettest @SomeoneElse
.greetdmtest Administration GreetCommands

Sends the greet direct message to you as if you just joined the server. You can optionally specify a different user.

ManageServer Server Perms
.greetdmtest.greetdmtest @SomeoneElse
.languageset / .langset Administration LocalizationCommands

Sets this server's response language. If bot's response strings have been translated to that language, bot will use that language in this server. Reset by using default as the locale name. Provide no parameters to see currently set language.

.languageset de-DE.languageset default
.langsetdefault / .langsetd Administration LocalizationCommands

Sets the bot's default response language. All servers which use a default locale will use this one. Setting to default will use the host's current culture. Provide no parameters to see currently set language.

.langsetdefault en-US.langsetdefault default
.languageslist / .langli Administration LocalizationCommands

List of languages for which translation (or part of it) exist atm.

.muterole / .setmuterole Administration MuteCommands

Sets a name of the role which will be assigned to people who should be muted. Provide no arguments to see currently set mute role. Default is nadeko-mute.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.muterole.muterole Silenced
.mute Administration MuteCommands

Mutes a mentioned user both from speaking and chatting. You can also specify time string for how long the user should be muted. You can optionally specify a reason.

MuteMembers, ManageRoles Server Perms
.mute @Someone.mute @Someone too noisy.mute 1h30m @Someone.mute 1h30m @Someone too noisy
.unmute Administration MuteCommands

Unmutes a mentioned user previously muted with .mute command.

MuteMembers, ManageRoles Server Perms
.unmute @Someone
.chatmute Administration MuteCommands

Prevents a mentioned user from chatting in text channels. You can also specify time string for how long the user should be muted. You can optionally specify a reason.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.chatmute @Someone.chatmute @Someone stop writing.chatmute 15m @Someone.chatmute 1h30m @Someone.chatmute 1h @Someone chill
.chatunmute Administration MuteCommands

Removes a mute role previously set on a mentioned user with .chatmute which prevented him from chatting in text channels.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.chatunmute @Someone
.voicemute Administration MuteCommands

Prevents a mentioned user from speaking in voice channels. User has to be in a voice channel in order for the command to have an effect. You can also specify time string for how long the user should be muted. You can optionally specify a reason.

MuteMembers Server Perms
.voicemute @Someone.voicemute @Someone stop talking.voicemute 15m @Someone.voicemute 1h30m @Someone.voicemute 1h @Someone silence
.voiceunmute Administration MuteCommands

Gives a previously voice-muted user a permission to speak.

MuteMembers Server Perms
.voiceunmute @Someguy
.dpo Administration DiscordPermOverrideCommands

Overrides required user permissions that the command has with the specified ones. You can only use server-level permissions. This action will make the bot ignore user permission requirements which command has by default. Provide no permissions to reset to default.

Administrator Server Perms
.dpo .prune ManageMessages BanMembers.dpo .prune
.dpor Administration DiscordPermOverrideCommands

Resets ALL currently set discord permission overrides on this server. This will make all commands have default discord permission requirements.

Administrator Server Perms
.dpol / .dpoli Administration DiscordPermOverrideCommands

Lists all discord permission overrides on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.rotateplaying / .ropl Administration PlayingRotateCommands

Toggles rotation of playing status of the dynamic strings you previously specified.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.addplaying / .adpl Administration PlayingRotateCommands

Adds a specified string to the list of playing strings to rotate. You have to pick either 'Playing', 'Watching' or 'Listening' as the first parameter.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.addplaying Playing with you.addplaying Watching you sleep
.listplaying / .lipl Administration PlayingRotateCommands

Lists all playing statuses with their corresponding number.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.removeplaying / .rmpl Administration PlayingRotateCommands

Removes a playing string on a given number.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.prefix Administration PrefixCommands

Sets this server's prefix for all bot commands. Provide no parameters to see the current server prefix. Setting prefix requires Administrator server permission.

.prefix +
.defprefix Administration PrefixCommands

Sets bot's default prefix for all bot commands. Provide no parameters to see the current default prefix. This will not change this server's current prefix.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.defprefix +
.antialt Administration ProtectionCommands

Applies a punishment action to any user whose account is younger than the specified threshold. Specify time after the punishment to have a timed punishment (not all punishments support timers).

Administrator Server Perms
.antialt 1h Ban.antialt 3d Mute 1h
.antiraid Administration ProtectionCommands

Sets an anti-raid protection on the server. Provide no parameters to disable. First parameter is number of people which will trigger the protection. Second parameter is a time interval in which that number of people needs to join in order to trigger the protection, and third parameter is punishment for those people. You can specify an additional time argument to do a timed punishment for actions which support it (Ban, Mute, etc) up to 24h. Available punishments: Ban, Kick, Softban, Mute, VoiceMute, ChatMute, RemoveRoles, AddRole, Warn, TimeOut

Administrator Server Perms
.antiraid 5 20 Kick.antiraid 7 9 Ban.antiraid 10 10 Ban 6h30m.antiraid
.antispam Administration ProtectionCommands

Stops people from repeating same message X times in a row. Provide no parameters to disable. You can specify to either mute, kick or ban the offenders. You can specify an additional time argument to do a timed punishment for actions which support it (Ban, Mute, etc) up to 24h. Max message count is 10. Available punishments: Ban, Kick, Softban, Mute, VoiceMute, ChatMute, AddRole, RemoveRoles, Warn, TimeOut

Administrator Server Perms
.antispam 3 Mute.antispam 5 Ban.antispam 5 Ban 3h30m.antispam
.antispamignore Administration ProtectionCommands

Toggles whether antispam ignores current channel. Antispam must be enabled.

Administrator Server Perms
.antilist / .antilst Administration ProtectionCommands

Shows currently enabled protection features.

.prune / .clear Administration PruneCommands

.prune removes all Nadeko's messages in the last 100 messages. .prune X removes last X number of messages from the channel (up to 100). .prune @Someone removes all Someone's messages in the last 100 messages. .prune @Someone X removes last X number of 'Someone's' messages in the channel.


--safe (-s) Whether pinned messages should be deleted.

--after (-a) Prune only messages after the specified message ID.

.prune.prune -s.prune 5.prune 5 --safe.prune @Someone.prune @Someone --safe.prune @Someone X.prune @Someone X -s
.prunecancel / .prunec Administration PruneCommands

Cancels an active prune if there is any.

ManageMessages Channel Perms
.reroadd / .reroa Administration ReactionRoleCommands

Specify a message id, emote and a role name to have the bot assign the specified role to the user who reacts to the specified message (in this channel) with the specified emoji. You can optionally specify an exclusivity group. Default is group 0 which is non-exclusive. Other groups are exclusive. Exclusive groups will let the user only have one of the roles specified in that group. You can optionally specify a level requirement after a group. Users who don't meet the level requirement will not receive the role. You can have up to 50 reaction roles per server in total.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.reroadd 971276352684691466 😊 gamer.reroadd 971276352684691466 😢 emo 1.reroadd 971276352684691466 🤔 philosopher 5 20.reroadd 971276352684691466 👨 normie 5 20
.rerolist / .reroli Administration ReactionRoleCommands

Lists all ReactionRole messages on this server with their message ids. Clicking/Tapping message ids will send you to that message.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.reroremove / .rerorm Administration ReactionRoleCommands

Remove all reaction roles from message specified by the id

ManageRoles Server Perms
.reroremove 971276352684691466
.rerodeleteall / .rerodela Administration ReactionRoleCommands

Deletes all reaction roles on the server. This action is irreversible.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rerotransfer / .rerot Administration ReactionRoleCommands

Transfers reaction roles from one message to another by specifying their ids. If the target message has reaction roles specified already, the reaction roles will be MERGED, not overwritten.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rerotransfer 971276352684691466 971427748448964628
.setrole / .sr Administration RoleCommands

Gives a role to a user. The role you specify has to be lower in the role hierarchy than your highest role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.setrole @User Guest
.removerole / .rr Administration RoleCommands

Removes a role from a user. The role you specify has to be lower in the role hierarchy than your highest role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.removerole @User Admin
.renamerole / .renr Administration RoleCommands

Renames a role. The role you specify has to be lower in the role hierarchy than your highest role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.renamerole "First role" SecondRole
.removeallroles / .rar Administration RoleCommands

Removes all roles which are lower than your highest role in the role hierarchy from the user you specify.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.removeallroles @User
.createrole / .cr Administration RoleCommands

Creates a role with a given name.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.createrole Awesome Role
.deleterole / .dr Administration RoleCommands

Deletes a role with a given name.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.deleterole Awesome Role
.rolehoist / .rh Administration RoleCommands

Toggles whether this role is displayed in the sidebar or not. The role you specify has to be lower in the role hierarchy than your highest role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rolehoist Guests.rolehoist Space Wizards
.rolecolor / .roleclr Administration RoleCommands

Set a role's color using its hex value. Provide no color in order to see the hex value of the color of the specified role. The role you specify has to be lower in the role hierarchy than your highest role.

.rolecolor Admin.rolecolor ffba55 Admin
.stickyroles Administration RoleCommands

Toggles whether the bot will save the leaving users' roles, and reapply them once they re-join. The roles will be stored for up to 30 days.

Administrator Server Perms
.adsarm Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Toggles the automatic deletion of the user's message and Nadeko's confirmations for .iam and .iamn commands.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.asar Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Adds a role to the list of self-assignable roles. You can also specify a group. If 'Exclusive self-assignable roles' feature is enabled, users will be able to pick one role per group.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.asar Gamer.asar 1 Alliance.asar 1 Horde
.sargn Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Sets a self assignable role group name. Provide no name to remove.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.sargn 1 Faction.sargn 2
.rsar Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Removes a specified role from the list of self-assignable roles.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rsar Gamer.rsar Alliance.rsar Horde
.lsar Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Lists self-assignable roles. Shows 20 roles per page.

.lsar.lsar 2
.togglexclsar / .tesar Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Toggles whether the self-assigned roles are exclusive. While enabled, users can only have one self-assignable role per group.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rolelevelreq / .rlr Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Set a level requirement on a self-assignable role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.rolelevelreq 5 SomeRole
.iam Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Adds a role to you that you choose. Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles.

.iam Gamer
.iamnot / .iamn Administration SelfAssignedRolesCommands

Removes a specified role from you. Role must be on a list of self-assignable roles.

.iamnot Gamer
.cacheusers Administration SelfCommands

Caches users of a Discord server and saves them to the database.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.cacheusers.cacheusers serverId
.doas / .execas Administration SelfCommands

Execute the command as if you were the target user. Requires bot ownership and server administrator permission.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.doas @Thief .give all @Admin
.scadd / .startcmdadd Administration SelfCommands

Adds a command to the list of commands which will be executed automatically in the current channel, in the order they were added in, by the bot when it startups up.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyAdministrator Server Perms
.scadd .stats
.acadd / .autocmdadd Administration SelfCommands

Adds a command to the list of commands which will be executed automatically every X seconds.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyAdministrator Server Perms
.acadd 60 .prune 1000
.sclist / .startcmdlist Administration SelfCommands

Lists all startup commands in the order they will be executed in.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.aclist / .autolist Administration SelfCommands

Lists all auto commands and the intervals in which they execute.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.wait Administration SelfCommands

Used only as a startup command. Waits a certain number of milliseconds before continuing the execution of the following startup commands.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.wait 3000
.acrm / .autocmdrm Administration SelfCommands

Removes an auto command on the specified index.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyAdministrator Server Perms
.acrm 3
.scrm / .startcmdrm Administration SelfCommands

Removes a startup command on the specified index.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.scrm 3
.scclear / .scclr Administration SelfCommands

Removes all startup commands.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyAdministrator Server Perms
.forwardmessages / .fwmsgs Administration SelfCommands

Toggles forwarding of non-command messages sent to bot's DM to the bot owners

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.forwardtoall / .fwtoall Administration SelfCommands

Toggles whether messages will be forwarded to all bot owners or only to the first one specified in the creds.yml file

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.forwardtochannel / .fwtoch Administration SelfCommands

Toggles forwarding of non-command messages sent to bot's DM to the current channel

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.shardstats Administration SelfCommands

Stats for shards. Paginated with 25 shards per page. Format: [status] | # [shard_id] | [last_heartbeat] | [server_count]

.shardstats.shardstats 2
.restartshard Administration SelfCommands

Try (re)connecting a shard with a certain shardid when it dies. No one knows will it work. Keep an eye on the console for errors.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.restartshard 2
.leave Administration SelfCommands

Makes Nadeko leave the server. Either server name or server ID is required.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.leave 123123123331
.deleteemptyservers Administration SelfCommands

Deletes all servers in which the bot is the only member.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.die Administration SelfCommands

Shuts the bot down.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.restart Administration SelfCommands

Restarts the bot. Might not work.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setname / .newnm Administration SelfCommands

Gives the bot a new name.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setname BotName
.setnick Administration SelfCommands

Changes the nickname of the bot on this server. You can also target other users to change their nickname.

ManageNicknames Server Perms
.setnick BotNickname.setnick @SomeUser New Nickname
.setstatus Administration SelfCommands

Sets the bot's status. (Online/Idle/Dnd/Invisible)

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setstatus Idle
.setavatar / .setav Administration SelfCommands

Sets a new avatar image for the NadekoBot. Parameter is a direct link to an image.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setbanner Administration SelfCommands

Sets a new banner image for the NadekoBot. Parameter is a direct link to an image. Supports gifs.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setgame Administration SelfCommands

Sets the bots game status to either Playing, Listening, or Watching.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setgame Playing with snakes..setgame Watching anime..setgame Listening music.
.setstream Administration SelfCommands

Sets the bots stream. First parameter is the twitch link, second parameter is stream name.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.setstream TWITCHLINK Hello
.send Administration SelfCommands

Sends a message to a channel or user. Channel or user can be

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.send channel 123123123132312 Stop spamming commands plz.send user 1231231232132 I can see in the console what you're doing.
.stringsreload Administration SelfCommands

Reloads localized bot strings.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.coordreload Administration SelfCommands

Reloads coordinator config

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.logserver Administration LogCommands

Enables or Disables ALL log events. If enabled, all log events will log to this channel.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotAdministrator Server Perms
.logserver enable.logserver disable
.logignore Administration LogCommands

Toggles whether the .logserver command ignores the specified channel or user. Provide no arguments to see the list of currently ignored users and channels

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotAdministrator Server Perms
.logignore.logignore @SomeUser.logignore #some-channel
.logevents Administration LogCommands

Shows a list of all events you can subscribe to with .log

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotAdministrator Server Perms
.log Administration LogCommands

Toggles logging event. Disables it if it is active anywhere on the server. Enables if it isn't active. Use .logevents to see a list of all events you can subscribe to.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotAdministrator Server Perms
.log userpresence.log userbanned
.timezones Administration TimeZoneCommands

Lists all timezones available on the system to be used with .timezone.

.timezone Administration TimeZoneCommands

Sets this guilds timezone. This affects bot's time output in this server (logs, etc..) Setting timezone requires Administrator server permission.

.timezone.timezone GMT Standard Time
.warn Administration UserPunishCommands

Warns a user with an optional reason. You can specify a warning weight integer before the user. For example, 3 would mean that this warning counts as 3 warnings.

BanMembers Server Perms
.warn @Someone Very rude person.warn 3 @Someone Very rude person
.warnexpire / .warne Administration UserPunishCommands

Gets or sets the number of days after which the warnings will be cleared automatically. This setting works retroactively. If you want to delete the warnings instead of clearing them, you can set the --delete optional parameter. Provide no parameter to see currently set expiry


--delete (-d) Delete warnings instead of clearing them.

Administrator Server Perms
.warnexpire.warnexpire 3.warnexpire 6 --delete
.warnlog Administration UserPunishCommands

See a list of warnings of a certain user.

BanMembers Server Perms
.warnlog @Someone
.warnlogall Administration UserPunishCommands

See a list of all warnings on the server. 15 users per page.

BanMembers Server Perms
.warnlogall.warnlogall 2
.warnclear / .warnc Administration UserPunishCommands

Clears all warnings from a certain user. You can specify a number to clear a specific one.

BanMembers Server Perms
.warnclear @PoorDude 3.warnclear @PoorDude
.warnpunish / .warnp Administration UserPunishCommands

Sets a punishment for a certain number of warnings. You can specify a time string after 'Ban' or *'Mute' punishments to make it a temporary mute/ban. Provide no punishment to remove. Available punishments: Ban, Kick, Softban, Mute, VoiceMute, ChatMute, AddRole, RemoveRoles

BanMembers Server Perms
.warnpunish 3.warnpunish 5 Ban.warnpunish 5 Mute 2d12h.warnpunish 4 AddRole toxic 1h
.warnpunishlist / .warnpl Administration UserPunishCommands

Lists punishments for warnings.

.ban / .b Administration UserPunishCommands

Bans a user by ID or name with an optional message. You can specify a time string before the user name to ban the user temporarily.

BanMembers Server Perms
.ban @Someone Get out!.ban "Some Guy#1234" Your behaviour is toxic..ban 1d12h @Someone Come back when u chill
.banprune Administration UserPunishCommands

Sets how many days of messages will be deleted when a user is banned. Only works if the user is banned via the .ban command or punishment. Allowed values: 0 - 7

BanMembers Server Perms
.banprune 3
.banmessage / .banmsg Administration UserPunishCommands

Sets a ban message template which will be used when a user is banned from this server. You can use embed strings and ban-specific placeholders: %ban.mod%, %ban.user%, %ban.duration% and %ban.reason%. You can disable ban message with .banmsg -

BanMembers Server Perms
.banmessage %ban.user%, you've been banned from Reason: %ban.reason%.banmessage { "description": "%ban.user% you have been banned from by %ban.mod%" }
.banmsgreset Administration UserPunishCommands

Resets ban message to default. If you want to completely disable ban messages, use .banmsg -

BanMembers Server Perms
.banmsgtest Administration UserPunishCommands

If ban message is not disabled, bot will send you the message as if you were banned by yourself. Used for testing the ban message.

BanMembers Server Perms
.banmsgtest No reason.banmsgtest 1h Test 1 hour ban message
.unban Administration UserPunishCommands

Unbans a user with the provided user#discrim or id.

BanMembers Server Perms
.unban kwoth#1234.unban 123123123
.softban / .sb Administration UserPunishCommands

Bans and then unbans a user by ID or name with an optional message.

KickMembers, ManageMessages Server Perms
.softban @Someone Get out!.softban "Some Guy#1234" Your behaviour is toxic.
.kick / .k Administration UserPunishCommands

Kicks a mentioned user.

KickMembers Server Perms
.kick @Someone Get out!.kick "Some Guy#1234" Your behaviour is toxic.
.timeout Administration UserPunishCommands

Times the user out for the specified amount of time. You may optionally specify a reason, which will be sent to the user.

ModerateMembers Server Perms
.timeout @Someone 3h Shut up!.timeout @Someone 1h30m
.massban Administration UserPunishCommands

Bans multiple users at once. Specify a space separated list of IDs of users who you wish to ban.

BanMembers Server Perms
.massban 123123123 3333333333 444444444
.masskill Administration UserPunishCommands

Specify a new-line separated list of userid reason. You can use Username#discrim instead of UserId. Specified users will be banned from the current server, blacklisted from the bot, and have all of their flowers taken away.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyBanMembers Server Perms
.masskill BadPerson#1234 Toxic person
.vcrolerm Administration VcRoleCommands

Removes vcrole associated with the specified voice channel ID. This is useful if your vcrole has been enabled on a VC which has been deleted.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.vcrolerm 123123123123123
.vcrole Administration VcRoleCommands

Sets or resets a role which will be given to users who join the voice channel you're in when you run this command. Provide no role name to disable. You must be in a voice channel to run this command.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.vcrole SomeRole.vcrole
.vcrolelist Administration VcRoleCommands

Shows a list of currently set voice channel roles.

.exprtoggleglobal / .extg Expressions Expressions

Toggles whether global expressions are usable on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.expradds / .exadds Expressions Expressions

Add an expression with a trigger and a response in this server. Bot will post a response whenever someone types the trigger word. Guide here:

Administrator Server Perms
.expradds "hello" Hi there %user.mention%
.expradd / .exadd Expressions Expressions

Add an expression with a trigger and a response. Bot will post a response whenever someone types the trigger word. Running this command in server requires the Administration permission. Running this command in DM is Bot Owner only and adds a new global expression. Guide here:

.expradd "hello" Hi there %user.mention%
.expredit / .exe Expressions Expressions

Edits the expression's response given its ID.

.expredit 123 I'm a magical girl
.exprlist / .exl Expressions Expressions

Lists global or server expressions (20 commands per page). Running the command in DM will list global expressions, while running it in a server will list server expressions. Shows enabled settings, followed by id, followed by the trigger. Settings: • 🗯️ Triggered if trigger matches any word (.h .exca) • ✉️ Response will be DMed (.h .exdm) • ❌ Trigger will be deleted (.h .exad)

.exprlist 1.exprlist all
.exprshow / .exs Expressions Expressions

Shows an expression's response on a given ID.

.exprshow 1
.exprdelserv / .exds Expressions Expressions

Deletes an expression on a specific index on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.exprdelserv 5c
.exprdel / .exd Expressions Expressions

Deletes an expression on a specific index. If ran in DM, it is bot owner only and deletes a global expression. If ran in a server, it requires Administration privileges and removes server expression.

.exprdel 5
.exreact / .exr Expressions Expressions

Sets or resets reactions (up to 3) which will be added to the response message of the Expression with the specified ID. Provide no emojis to reset.

.exreact 59 👍 👎.exreact 59 <a:nFlower:408963839191941120>.exreact 59
.exprca / .exca Expressions Expressions

Toggles whether the expression will trigger if the triggering message contains the keyword (instead of only starting with it).

.exprca 44
.exprdm / .exdm Expressions Expressions

Toggles whether the response message of the expression will be sent as a direct message.

.exprdm 44
.exprad / .exad Expressions Expressions

Toggles whether the message triggering the expression will be automatically deleted.

.exprad 59
.exprat / .exat Expressions Expressions

Toggles whether the expression will allow extra input after the trigger. For example, with this feature enabled, expression with trigger 'hi' will also be invoked when a user types 'hi there'. This feature is automatically enabled on expressions which have '%target%' in their response.

.exprat 59
.expreload / .exrel Expressions Expressions

Reloads all expressions on all shards. Use this if you've made changes to the database while the bot is running, or used .deleteunusedcrnq

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.exprclear / .exc Expressions Expressions

Deletes all expression on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.exexport Expressions Expressions

Exports expressions from the current server (or global expressions in DMs) into a .yml file

.eximport Expressions Expressions

Upload the file or send the raw .yml data with this command to import all expressions from the specified string or file into the current server (or as global expressions in dm)

.eximport <upload .yml file>
.betstats Gambling Gambling

Shows the total stats of several gambling features. Updates once an hour.

.economy Gambling Gambling

Breakdown of the current state of the bot's economy. Updates every 3 minutes.

.timely Gambling Gambling

Use to claim your 'timely' currency. Bot owner has to specify the amount and the period on how often you can claim your currency.

.timelyreset Gambling Gambling

Resets all user timeouts on .timely command.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.timelyset Gambling Gambling

Sets the 'timely' currency allowance amount for users. Second parameter is period in hours, default is 24 hours.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.timelyset 100.timelyset 50 12
.raffle Gambling Gambling

Prints a name and ID of a random online user from the server, or from the online user in the specified role.

.raffle.raffle RoleName
.raffleany Gambling Gambling

Prints a name and ID of a random user from the server, or from the specified role.

.raffleany.raffleany RoleName
.curtrs Gambling Gambling

Shows your currency transactions on the specified page. Bot owner can see other people's transactions too.

.curtrs 2.curtrs @SomeUser 2
.curtr Gambling Gambling

Shows full details about a currency transaction with the specified ID. You can only check your own transactions.

.curtr 3yvd
.cash / .$ Gambling Gambling

Check how much currency a person has. If no argument is provided it will check your own balance. @Someone
.give Gambling Gambling

Give someone a certain amount of currency. You can specify the reason after the mention.

.give 1 @Someone.give 5 @CootGurl Ur so pwetty
.award Gambling Gambling

Awards someone a certain amount of currency. You can specify the reason after the Username. You can also specify a role name to award currency to all users in a role.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.award 100 @person.award 5 Role Of Gamblers
.take / .seize Gambling Gambling

Takes the specified amount of currency from someone. You can specify a role instead to take the specified amount of currency from all users in the role.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.take 1 @Someone.take 50 SomeRole
.rollduel Gambling Gambling

Challenge someone to a roll duel by specifying the amount and the user you wish to challenge as the parameters. To accept the challenge, just specify the name of the user who challenged you, without the amount.

.rollduel 50 @Someone.rollduel @Challenger
.betroll / .br Gambling Gambling

Bets a certain amount of currency and rolls a dice. Rolling over 66 yields x2 of your currency, over 90 - x4 and 100 x10.

.betroll 5
.leaderboard / .lb Gambling Gambling

Displays the bot's currency leaderboard.


--clean (-c) Only show users who are on the server.

.rps Gambling Gambling

Play a game of Rocket-Paperclip-Scissors with Nadeko. You can bet on it. Multiplier is the same as on betflip.

.rps r 100.rps scissors
.luckyladder / .lula Gambling Gambling

Bets a certain amount of currency on the lucky ladder. You can stop on one of many different multipliers. Won amount is rounded down to the nearest whole number.

.luckyladder 10
.bettest Gambling Gambling

Tests a betting command by specifying the name followed by the number of tests. Some have multiple variations. See the list of all tests by specifying no parameters.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.bettest.bettest betflip 1000.bettest slot 2000
.race Gambling AnimalRacingCommands

Starts a new animal race.


--start-time (-s)

.joinrace / .jr Gambling AnimalRacingCommands

Joins a new race. You can specify an amount of currency for betting (optional). You will get YourBet*(participants-1) back if you win.

.joinrace.joinrace 5
.bank deposit / .bank d Gambling Bank

Deposits the specified amount of currency into the bank for later use.

.bank deposit 50
.bank withdraw / .bank w Gambling Bank

Withdraws the specified amount of currency from the bank if available.

.bank withdraw 49
.bank balance / .bank b Gambling Bank

Shows your current bank balance available for withdrawal.

.bank balance
.bank take / .bank seize Gambling Bank

Takes the specified amount of currency from a user's bank

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.bank take 500 @MoniLaunder
.bank award Gambling Bank

Award the specified amount of currency to a user's bank

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.bank award 99999 @Bestie
.blackjack / .bj Gambling BlackJackCommands

Start or join a blackjack game. You must specify the amount you're betting. Use .hit, .stand and .double commands to play. Game is played with 4 decks. Dealer hits on soft 17 and wins draws.

.blackjack 50
.hit Gambling BlackJackCommands

In the blackjack game, ask the dealer for an extra card.

.stand Gambling BlackJackCommands

Finish your turn in the blackjack game.

.double Gambling BlackJackCommands

In the blackjack game, double your bet in order to receive exactly one more card, and your turn ends.

.connect4 / .con4 Gambling Connect4Commands

Creates or joins an existing connect4 game. 2 players are required for the game. Objective of the game is to get 4 of your pieces next to each other in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal line. You can specify a bet when you create a game and only users who bet the same amount will be able to join your game.


--turn-timer (-t) Turn time in seconds. It has to be between 5 and 60. Default 15.

--bet (-b) Amount you bet. Default 0.

.roll Gambling DiceRollCommands

Rolls 0-100. If you supply a number X it rolls up to 30 normal dice. If you split 2 numbers with letter d (xdy) it will roll X dice from 1 to y. Y can be a letter 'F' if you want to roll fate dice instead of dnd.

.roll.roll 7.roll 3d5.roll 5dF
.rolluo Gambling DiceRollCommands

Rolls X normal dice (up to 30) unordered. If you split 2 numbers with letter d (xdy) it will roll X dice from 1 to y.

.rolluo.rolluo 7.rolluo 3d5
.nroll Gambling DiceRollCommands

Rolls in a given range. If you specify just one number instead of the range, it will roll from 0 to that number.

.nroll 5.nroll 5-15
.draw Gambling DrawCommands

Draws a card from this server's deck. You can draw up to 10 cards by supplying a number of cards to draw.

.draw.draw 5
.drawnew Gambling DrawCommands

Draws a card from the NEW deck of cards. You can draw up to 10 cards by supplying a number of cards to draw.

.drawnew.drawnew 5
.deckshuffle / .dsh Gambling DrawCommands

Reshuffles all cards back into the deck.

.betdraw / .bd Gambling DrawCommands

Bet on the card value and/or color. Specify the amount followed by your guess. You can specify r or b for red or black, and h or l for high or low. You can specify only h/l or only r/b or both. Returns are high but 7 always loses.

.betdraw 50 r.betdraw 200 b l.betdraw 1000 h.betdraw 38 hi black
.eventstart Gambling CurrencyEventsCommands

Starts one of the events seen on public nadeko. Events: reaction, gamestatus


--amount (-a) Amount of currency each user receives.

--pot-size (-p) The maximum amount of currency that can be rewarded. 0 means no limit.

--duration (-d) Number of hours the event should run for. Default 24.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.eventstart reaction.eventstart reaction -d 1 -a 50 --pot-size 1500
.flip Gambling FlipCoinCommands

Flips coin(s) - heads or tails, and shows an image.

.flip.flip 3
.betflip / .bf Gambling FlipCoinCommands

Bet to guess will the result be heads or tails. Guessing awards you 1.95x the currency you've bet (rounded up). Multiplier can be changed by the bot owner.

.betflip 5 heads.betflip 3 t
.pick Gambling PlantPickCommands

Picks the currency planted in this channel. If the plant has a password, you need to specify it.

.pick.pick passwd
.plant Gambling PlantPickCommands

Spend an amount of currency to plant it in this channel. Default is 1. You can specify the password after the amount. Password has to be alphanumeric and it will be trimmed down to 10 characters if it's longer.

.plant 5.plant 10 meow
.gencurrency / .gc Gambling PlantPickCommands

Toggles currency generation on this channel. Every posted message will have chance to spawn currency. Chance is specified by the Bot Owner. (default is 2%)

ManageMessages Server Perms
.gencurlist / .gclist Gambling PlantPickCommands

Shows the list of server and channel ids where gc is enabled. Paginated with 9 per page.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyManageMessages Server Perms
.rafflecur Gambling CurrencyRaffleCommands

Starts or joins a currency raffle with a specified amount. Users who join the raffle will lose the amount of currency specified and add it to the pot. After 30 seconds, random winner will be selected who will receive the whole pot. There is also a mixed mode in which the users will be able to join the game with any amount of currency, and have their chances be proportional to the amount they've bet.

.rafflecur 20.rafflecur mixed 15
.shop Gambling ShopCommands

Lists this server's administrators' shop. Paginated. 2
.shopbuy / .buy Gambling ShopCommands

Buys an item from the shop on a given index. If buying items, make sure that the bot can DM you.

.shopbuy 2
.shopadd Gambling ShopCommands
  • Available types are role, list and command.
  • If the item is a role, specify a role id or a role name.
  • If the item is a command, specify the full command, replacing the user with %user% (for a mention) or for user id. 90% of currency from each purchase will be received by the user who added the item to the shop.
Administrator Server Perms
.shopadd role 1000 Rich.shopadd cmd 1000 .setrole %user% Rich
.shoplistadd Gambling ShopCommands

Adds an item to the list of items for sale in the shop entry given the index. You usually want to run this command in the secret channel, so that the unique items are not leaked.

Administrator Server Perms
.shoplistadd 1 Uni-que-Steam-Key
.shopremove / .shoprm Gambling ShopCommands

Removes an item from the shop by its ID.

Administrator Server Perms
.shopremove 1
.shopchangeprice / .shopprice Gambling ShopCommands

Change the price of a shop entry at the specified index. Specify the index of the entry, followed by the price

Administrator Server Perms
.shopchangeprice 1 500
.shopchangename / .shopname Gambling ShopCommands

Change the name of a shop entry at the specified index. Only works for non-role items

Administrator Server Perms
.shopchangename 3 Cool stuff
.shopswap Gambling ShopCommands

Swap the index of two shop entries

Administrator Server Perms
.shopswap 1 5
.shopmove Gambling ShopCommands

Moves the shop entry from the current index to a new one

Administrator Server Perms
.shopmove 2 4
.shopreq Gambling ShopCommands

Sets a role which will be required to buy the item on the specified index. Specify only index to remove the requirement.

Administrator Server Perms
.shopreq 2 Gamers.shopreq 2
.slot / .slots Gambling SlotCommands

Play Nadeko slots. 1 second cooldown per user.

.slot 5
.waifureset Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Resets your waifu stats, except current waifus.

.waifuclaim / .claim Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Claim a waifu for yourself by spending currency. You must spend at least 10% more than her current value unless she set .affinity towards you.

.waifuclaim 50 @Himesama
.waifutransfer Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Transfer the ownership of one of your waifus to another user. You must pay 10% of your waifu's value unless that waifu has affinity towards you, in which case you must pay 60% fee. Transferred waifu's price will be reduced by the fee amount.

.waifutransfer @ExWaifu @NewOwner
.divorce Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Releases your claim on a specific waifu. You will get 50% of that waifu's value back, unless that waifu has an affinity towards you, in which case they will be reimbursed instead. 6 hours cooldown.

.divorce @CheatingSloot
.affinity / .waifuaff Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Sets your affinity towards someone you want to be claimed by. Setting affinity will reduce their .claim on you by 20%. Provide no parameters to clear your affinity. 30 minutes cooldown.

.affinity @MyHusband.affinity
.waifulb / .waifus Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Shows top 9 waifus. You can specify another page to show other waifus.

.waifulb.waifulb 3
.waifuinfo / .waifustats Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

Shows waifu stats for a target person. Defaults to you if no user is provided.

.waifuinfo @MyCrush.waifuinfo
.waifugift / .gift Gambling WaifuClaimCommands

-| Gift an item to someone. This will increase their waifu value by a percentage of the gift's value. Negative gifts will not show up in waifuinfo. Provide no parameters to see a list of items that you can gift.

.waifugift.waifugift Rose @Himesama
.choose Games Games

Chooses a thing from a list of things

.choose Get up;Sleep;Sleep more
.eightball / .8ball Games Games

Ask the 8ball a yes/no question.

.eightball Is b1nzy a nice guy?
.acrophobia / .acro Games AcropobiaCommands

Starts an Acrophobia game.


--submission-time (-s) Time after which the submissions are closed and voting starts.

--vote-time (-v) Time after which the voting is closed and the winner is declared.

.acrophobia.acrophobia -s 30
.cleverbot / .chatgpt Games ChatterBotCommands

Toggles cleverbot/chatgpt session. When enabled, the bot will reply to messages starting with bot mention in the server. Expressions starting with %bot.mention% won't work if cleverbot/chatgpt is enabled.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.hangmanlist Games HangmanCommands

Shows a list of hangman question categories.

.hangman Games HangmanCommands

Starts a game of hangman in the channel. You can optionally select a category .hangmanlist to see a list of available categories.

.hangman.hangman movies
.hangmanstop Games HangmanCommands

Stops the active hangman game on this channel if it exists.

.nunchi Games NunchiCommands

Creates or joins an existing nunchi game. Users have to count up by 1 from the starting number shown by the bot. If someone makes a mistake (types an incorrect number, or repeats the same number) they are out of the game and a new round starts without them. Minimum 3 users required.

.typestart Games SpeedTypingCommands

Starts a typing contest.


--start-time (-s) How long does it take for the race to start. Default 5.

.typestop Games SpeedTypingCommands

Stops a typing contest on the current channel.

.typeadd Games SpeedTypingCommands

Adds a new article to the typing contest.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.typeadd wordswords
.typelist Games SpeedTypingCommands

Lists added typing articles with their IDs. 15 per page.

.typelist.typelist 3
.typedel Games SpeedTypingCommands

Deletes a typing article given the ID.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.typedel 3
.tictactoe / .ttt Games TicTacToeCommands

Starts a game of tic tac toe. Another user must run the command in the same channel in order to accept the challenge. Use numbers 1-9 to play.


--turn-timer (-t) Turn time in seconds. Default 15.

.trivia / .t Games TriviaCommands

Starts a game of trivia. You can add nohint to prevent hints. First player to get to 10 points wins by default. You can specify a different number. 30 seconds per question.


--pokemon (-p) Whether it's 'Who's that pokemon?' trivia.

--nohint Don't show any hints.

--win-req (-w) Winning requirement. Set 0 for an infinite game. Default 10.

--question-timer (-q) How long until the question ends. Default 30.

--timeout (-t) Number of questions of inactivity in order stop. Set 0 for never. Default 10.

.trivia.trivia --timeout 5 -p -w 3 -q 10
.tl Games TriviaCommands

Shows a current trivia leaderboard.

.tq Games TriviaCommands

Quits current trivia after current question.

.modules / .mdls Help Help

Lists all bot modules.

.commands / .cmds Help Help

List all of the bot's commands from the specified module. You can either specify the full name or only the first few letters of the module name. Specifying no module will show the list of modules instead.


--view (-v) Specifies how to output the list of commands. 0 - Hide commands which you can't use, 1 - Cross out commands which you can't use, 2 - Show all.

.commands Admin.commands Admin --view 1.commands
.help / .h Help Help

Either shows a help for a single command, or DMs you help link if no parameters are specified.

.gencmdlist Help Help

Generates the command list and sends it to the chat. Optionally also uploads it to DO spaces (not supported).

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.guide / .readme Help Help

Sends a readme and a guide links to the channel.

.donate Help Help

Instructions for helping the project financially.

Only available on public @Nadeko botOnly Public Bot
.patron Help Patronage

Check your patronage status and command usage quota. Bot owners can check targeted user's patronage status.

Only available on public @Nadeko botOnly Public Bot
.patronmessage / .patronmsg Help Patronage

Sends a message to all patrons of the specified tier and higher. Supports embeds.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on public @Nadeko botOnly Public Bot
.patronmessage x hello
.medusaload / .meload Medusa Medusa

Loads a medusa with the specified name from the data/medusae/ folder. Provide no name to see the list of loadable medusae. Read about the medusa system here

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.medusaload mycoolmedusa.medusaload
.medusaunload / .meunload Medusa Medusa

Unloads the previously loaded medusa. Provide no name to see the list of unloadable medusae. Read about the medusa system here

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.medusaunload mycoolmedusa.medusaunload
.medusalist / .melist Medusa Medusa

Lists all loaded and unloaded medusae. Read about the medusa system here

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.medusainfo / .meinfo Medusa Medusa

Shows information about the specified medusa such as the author, name, description, list of sneks, number of commands etc. Provide no name to see the basic information about all loaded medusae. Read about the medusa system here

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.medusainfo mycoolmedusa.medusainfo
.medusasearch / .mesearchw Medusa Medusa

Searches for medusae online given the search term

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.medusasearch shrine
.join / .j Music Music

Makes the bot join your voice channel.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.destroy / .d Music Music

Completely stops the music and unbinds the bot from the channel. (may cause weird behaviour)

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.play / .p Music Music

If no parameters are specified, acts as .next 1 command. If you specify a song number, it will jump to that song. If you specify a search query, acts as a .q command

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot Dream Of Venice
.queue / .q Music Music

Queue a song using keywords or a link. Bot will join your voice channel. You must be in a voice channel.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.queue Dream Of Venice
.queuenext / .qn Music Music

Works the same as .queue command, except it enqueues the new song after the current one. You must be in a voice channel.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.queuenext Dream Of Venice
.volume / .vol Music Music

Sets the music playback volume (0-100%). Persistent server setting. Default 100

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.volume 50
.next / .n Music Music

Goes to the next song in the queue. You have to be in the same voice channel as the bot

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.listqueue / .lq Music Music

Lists 10 currently queued songs per page. Default page is 1.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.listqueue.listqueue 2
.queuesearch / .qs Music Music

Search for top 5 youtube song result using keywords, and type the index of the song to play that song. Bot will join your voice channel. You must be in a voice channel.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.queuesearch Dream Of Venice
.songremove / .srm Music Music

Remove a song by its # in the queue, or 'all' (or provide no parameter) to remove all songs from the queue.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.songremove 5.songremove all.songremove
.stop / .s Music Music

Stops the music and preserves the current song index. Stays in the channel.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.queuerepeat / .qrp Music Music

Sets music player repeat strategy for this server.

  • n / no - player will stop once it reaches the end of the queue
  • s / song - player will repeat current song
  • q / queue or empty - player will repeat entire music queue
Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.queuerepeat.queuerepeat n.queuerepeat song
.pause Music Music

Pauses or Unpauses the song.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.radio / .ra Music Music

Queues a radio stream from a link. It can be a direct mp3 radio stream, .m3u, .pls .asx or .xspf (Usage Video:

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.radio radio link here
.local / .lo Music Music

Queues a local file by specifying a full path.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.local C:/music/mysong.mp3
.localplaylist / .lopl Music Music

Queues all songs from a directory.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.localplaylist C:/music/classical
.trackmove / .tm Music Music

Moves a song from one position to another.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.trackmove 5 3
.playlist / .pl Music Music

Queues up to 500 songs from a youtube playlist specified by a link, or keywords.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.playlist <youtube_playlist_link>
.nowplaying / .np Music Music

Shows the song that the bot is currently playing.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.playlistshuffle / .shuffle Music Music

Shuffles the current playlist.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.setmusicchannel / .smch Music Music

Sets the current channel as the default music output channel. This will output playing, finished, paused and removed songs to that channel instead of the channel where the first song was queued in. Persistent server setting.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotManageMessages Server Perms
.unsetmusicchannel / .usmch Music Music

Bot will output playing, finished, paused and removed songs to the channel where the first song was queued in. Persistent server setting.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotManageMessages Server Perms
.autodisconnect / .autodc Music Music

Toggles whether the bot should disconnect from the voice channel once it's done playing all of the songs and queue repeat option is set to none.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.musicquality / .mquality Music Music

Gets or sets the default music player quality. Available settings: Highest, High, Medium, Low. Default is Highest. Provide no argument to see current setting.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public BotAdministrator Server Perms
.musicquality.musicquality High.musicquality Low
.queueautoplay / .qap Music Music

Toggles autoplay - When the song is finished, automatically queue a related Youtube song. (Works only for Youtube songs)

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.qfp Music Music

Triggers fairplay. The song queue will be re-ordered in a fair manner. No effect on newly added songs.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.playlists / .pls Music PlaylistCommands

Lists all playlists. Paginated, 20 per page.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.playlists 1
.deleteplaylist / .delpls Music PlaylistCommands

Deletes a saved playlist using its id. Works only if you made it or if you are the bot owner.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.deleteplaylist 5
.playlistshow / .plshow Music PlaylistCommands

Lists all songs in a playlist specified by its id. Paginated, 20 per page.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.playlistshow 1
.save Music PlaylistCommands

Saves a playlist under a certain name. Playlist name must be no longer than 20 characters and must not contain dashes.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.save classical1
.load Music PlaylistCommands

Loads a saved playlist using its ID. Use .pls to list all saved playlists and .save to save new ones.

Only available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.load 5
.deleteplaylists Music PlaylistCommands

Deletes everything from MusicPlaylists.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.verbose / .v Permissions Permissions

Toggles or sets whether to show when a command/module is blocked.

.verbose.verbose true
.permrole / .pr Permissions Permissions

Sets a role which can change permissions. Supply no parameters to see the current one. Type 'reset' instead of the role name to reset the currently set permission role. Users with the Administrator server permissions can use permission commands regardless of whether they have the specified role. There is no default permission role.

Administrator Server Perms
.permrole Some Role.permrole reset
.listperms / .lp Permissions Permissions

Lists whole permission chain with their indexes. You can specify an optional page number if there are a lot of permissions.

.listperms.listperms 3
.removeperm / .rp Permissions Permissions

Removes a permission from a given position in the Permissions list.

.removeperm 1
.moveperm / .mp Permissions Permissions

Moves permission from one position to another in the Permissions list.

.moveperm 2 4
.srvrcmd / .sc Permissions Permissions

Sets a command's permission at the server level.

.srvrcmd "command name" disable
.srvrmdl / .sm Permissions Permissions

Sets a module's permission at the server level.

.srvrmdl ModuleName enable
.usrcmd / .uc Permissions Permissions

Sets a command's permission at the user level.

.usrcmd "command name" enable SomeUsername
.usrmdl / .um Permissions Permissions

Sets a module's permission at the user level.

.usrmdl ModuleName enable SomeUsername
.rolecmd / .rc Permissions Permissions

Sets a command's permission at the role level.

.rolecmd "command name" disable MyRole
.rolemdl / .rm Permissions Permissions

Sets a module's permission at the role level.

.rolemdl ModuleName enable MyRole
.chnlcmd / .cc Permissions Permissions

Sets a command's permission at the channel level.

.chnlcmd "command name" enable SomeChannel
.chnlmdl / .cm Permissions Permissions

Sets a module's permission at the channel level.

.chnlmdl ModuleName enable SomeChannel
.allchnlmdls / .acm Permissions Permissions

Enable or disable all modules in a specified channel.

.allchnlmdls enable #SomeChannel
.allrolemdls / .arm Permissions Permissions

Enable or disable all modules for a specific role.

.allrolemdls [enable/disable] MyRole
.allusrmdls / .aum Permissions Permissions

Enable or disable all modules for a specific user.

.allusrmdls enable @Someone
.allsrvrmdls / .asm Permissions Permissions

Enable or disable all modules for your server.

.allsrvrmdls [enable/disable]
.userblacklist / .ubl Permissions BlacklistCommands

Either [add]s or [rem]oves a user or users specified by a Mention or an ID from a blacklist. Specify no argument or a page number to list blacklisted users.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.userblacklist add @SomeUser @SomeUser2 @SomeUser3.userblacklist rem 12312312313.userblacklist.userblacklist 4
.channelblacklist / .cbl Permissions BlacklistCommands

Either [add]s or [rem]oves a channel or channels specified an ID from a blacklist. Specify no argument or a page number to list blacklisted channels.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.channelblacklist add 12312312312 66666666666.channelblacklist rem 12312312312.channelblacklist.channelblacklist 3
.serverblacklist / .sbl Permissions BlacklistCommands

Either [add]s or [rem]oves a server, or servers specified by an ID from a blacklist. Specify no argument or a page number to list blacklisted servers.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.serverblacklist add 12312321312.serverblacklist rem 12312321312.serverblacklist.serverblacklist 2
.cmdcooldown / .cmdcd Permissions CmdCdsCommands

Sets a cooldown, in seconds, for a command or an expression which will be applied per user. Set it to 0 to remove the cooldown. Supports a special command cleverbot:response which can be used limit how often users can talk to cleverbot

.cmdcooldown .h 5.cmdcooldown .pat 30
.allcmdcooldowns / .cmdcds Permissions CmdCdsCommands

Shows a list of all commands and their respective cooldowns.

.fwclear Permissions FilterCommands

Deletes all filtered words on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.filterlist / .fl Permissions FilterCommands

Lists invite and link filter channels and status.

.srvrfilterinv / .sfi Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of invites posted in the server. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.chnlfilterinv / .cfi Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of invites posted in the channel. Does not negate the .srvrfilterinv enabled setting. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.srvrfilterlin / .sfl Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of links posted in the server. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.chnlfilterlin / .cfl Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of links posted in the channel. Does not negate the .srvrfilterlin enabled setting. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.srvrfilterwords / .sfw Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of messages containing filtered words on the server. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.chnlfilterwords / .cfw Permissions FilterCommands

Toggles automatic deletion of messages containing filtered words on the channel. Does not negate the .srvrfilterwords enabled setting. Does not affect users with the Administrator permission.

.filterword / .fw Permissions FilterCommands

Adds or removes (if it exists) a word from the list of filtered words. Use.sfw or .cfw to toggle filtering.

.filterword poop
.lstfilterwords / .lfw Permissions FilterCommands

Shows a list of filtered words.

.globalpermlist / .gpl Permissions GlobalPermissionCommands

Lists global permissions set by the bot owner.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.globalmodule / .gmod Permissions GlobalPermissionCommands

Toggles whether a module can be used on any server.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.globalmodule nsfw
.globalcommand / .gcmd Permissions GlobalPermissionCommands

Toggles whether a command can be used on any server.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.globalcommand .stats
.resetperms Permissions ResetPermissionsCommands

Resets the bot's permissions module on this server to the default value.

Administrator Server Perms
.resetglobalperms Permissions ResetPermissionsCommands

Resets global permissions set by bot owner.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.rip Searches Searches

Shows the inevitable fate of someone.

.rip @Someone
.weather / .we Searches Searches

Shows weather data for a specified city. You can also specify a country after a comma.

.weather Moscow, RU
.time Searches Searches

Shows the current time and timezone in the specified location.

.time London, UK
.movie / .omdb Searches Searches

Queries omdb for movies or series, show first result.

.movie Batman vs Superman
.randomcat / .meow Searches Searches

Shows a random cat image.

.randomdog / .woof Searches Searches

Shows a random dog image.

.randomfood / .yum Searches Searches

Shows a random food image.

.randombird / .birb Searches Searches

Shows a random bird image.

.lmgtfy Searches Searches

Google something for an idiot.

.lmgtfy query
.shorten Searches Searches

Attempts to shorten an URL, if it fails, returns the input URL.

.magicthegathering / .mtg Searches Searches

Searches for a Magic The Gathering card.

.magicthegathering about face
.hearthstone / .hs Searches Searches

Searches for a Hearthstone card and shows its image. Takes a while to complete.

.hearthstone Ysera
.urbandict / .ud Searches Searches

Searches Urban Dictionary for a word.

.urbandict Pineapple
.define / .def Searches Searches

Finds a definition of a word.

.define heresy
.catfact Searches Searches

Shows a random catfact from

.wiki / .wikipedia Searches Searches

Gives you back a wikipedia link

.wiki query
.color / .clr Searches Searches

Shows you pictures of colors which correspond to the inputted hex values. Max 10.

.color 00ff00.color f00 0f0 00f
.avatar / .av Searches Searches

Shows a mentioned person's avatar.

.avatar @Someone
.wikia / .fandom Searches Searches

Gives you back a fandom link

.wikia mtg Vigilance.wikia mlp Dashy
.bible Searches Searches

Shows bible verse. You need to supply book name and chapter:verse

.bible genesis 3:19
.steam Searches Searches

Returns a store link for a steam game with the specified name. It doesn't work very well because bundles.

.steam Sakura Agent
.mal Searches AnimeSearchCommands

Shows basic info from a MyAnimeList profile.

.mal straysocks
.anime / .ani Searches AnimeSearchCommands

Queries anilist for an anime and shows the first result.

.anime aquarion evol
.manga / .mang Searches AnimeSearchCommands

Queries anilist for a manga and shows the first result.

.manga Shingeki no kyojin
.stock Searches FinanceCommands

Shows basic information about a stock. You can use a symbol or company name

.stock tsla.stock advanced micro devices.stock amd
.crypto / .c Searches FinanceCommands

Shows basic stats about a cryptocurrency from You can use either a name or an abbreviation of the currency.

.crypto btc.crypto bitcoin
.ytuploadnotif / .yun Searches FeedCommands

Subscribe to a youtube channel's upload rss feed. Shortcut for .feed You can optionally specify a message which will be posted with an update.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ytuploadnotif New video is posted
.feed / .feedadd Searches FeedCommands

Subscribes to a feed. Bot will post an update up to once every 10 seconds. You can have up to 10 feeds on one server. All feeds must have unique URLs. Set a channel as a second optional parameter to specify where to send the updates. You can optionally specify a message after the channel name which will be posted with an update.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.feed #updates.feed #updates New playstation rss feed post!
.feedremove / .feedrm Searches FeedCommands

Stops tracking a feed on the given index. Use .feeds command to see a list of feeds and their indexes.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.feedremove 3
.feedlist / .feeds Searches FeedCommands

Shows the list of feeds you've subscribed to on this server.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.yomama / .ym Searches JokeCommands

Shows a random joke from

.randjoke / .rj Searches JokeCommands

Shows a random joke.

.chucknorris / .cn Searches JokeCommands

Shows a random Chuck Norris joke.

.wowjoke Searches JokeCommands

Get one of penultimate WoW jokes.

.magicitem / .mi Searches JokeCommands
.memelist Searches MemegenCommands

Shows a list of template keys (and their respective names) used for .memegen.

.memegen Searches MemegenCommands

Generates a meme from memelist with specified text. Separate multiple text values with semicolons. Provide no meme text to see an example meme with that template.

.memegen biw gets iced coffee;in the winter.memegen ntot
.osu Searches OsuCommands

Shows osu! stats for a player.

.osu Name.osu Name taiko
.gatari Searches OsuCommands

Shows osu!gatari stats for a player.

.gatari Name.gatari Name ctb
.osu5 Searches OsuCommands

Displays a user's top 5 plays.

.osu5 Name
.pathofexile / .poe Searches PathOfExileCommands

Searches characters for a given Path of Exile account. May specify league name to filter results.

.pathofexile "Zizaran"
.pathofexileleagues / .poel Searches PathOfExileCommands

Returns a list of the main Path of Exile leagues.

.pathofexilecurrency / .poec Searches PathOfExileCommands

Returns the chaos equivalent of a given currency or exchange rate between two currencies.

.pathofexilecurrency Standard "Mirror of Kalandra"
.pokemon / .poke Searches PokemonSearchCommands

Searches for a pokemon.

.pokemon Sylveon
.pokemonability / .pokeab Searches PokemonSearchCommands

Searches for a pokemon ability.

.pokemonability overgrow
.google / .search Searches SearchCommands

Get a Google search link for some terms.

.google query
.image / .img Searches SearchCommands

Pulls a random image using a search parameter.

.image cute kitten
.youtube / .yt Searches SearchCommands

Searches youtubes and shows the first result

.youtube query
.streamadd / .sta Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Notifies this channel when the stream on the specified URL goes online or offline. Offline notifications will only show if you enable .streamoff. Maximum 10 per server.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streamremove / .strm Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Stops following the stream on the specified index. (use .stl to see indexes)

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streamremove 2
.streamsclear / .stclear Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Removes all followed streams on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.streamlist / .stl Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Lists all streams you are following on this server and their respective indexes.

.streamoffline / .sto Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Toggles whether the bot will also notify when added streams go offline.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streamonlinedelete / .stondel Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Toggles whether the bot will delete stream online message when the stream goes offline.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streammsg / .stm Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Sets the message which will show when the stream on the specified index comes online. You can use %user% and %platform% placeholders.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streammsg 1 Hey @erryone %user% is back online on %platform%!1!!
.streammsgall / .stma Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Sets the message which will show when any of the currently followed streams comes online. This does not apply to the streams which get added afterwards. You can use %user% and %platform% placeholders.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streammsgall Hey @erryone %user% is back online!1!!
.streamcheck / .stc Searches StreamNotificationCommands

Retrieves information about a stream.

.translate / .trans Searches TranslateCommands

Translates text from the given language to the destination language.

.translate en fr Hello
.autotranslate / .at Searches TranslateCommands

Starts automatic translation of all messages by users who set their .atl in this channel. You can set "del" parameter to automatically delete all translated user messages.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyAdministrator Server Perms
.autotranslate.autotranslate del
.autotranslang / .atl Searches TranslateCommands

Sets your source and target language to be used with .at. Specify no parameters to remove previously set value.

.autotranslang en fr
.translangs Searches TranslateCommands

Lists the valid languages for translation.

.xkcd Searches XkcdCommands

Shows a XKCD comic. Specify no parameters to retrieve a random one. Number parameter will retrieve a specific comic, and "latest" will get the latest one.

.xkcd.xkcd 1400.xkcd latest
.say Utility Utility

Bot will send the message you typed in the specified channel. If you omit the channel name, it will send the message in the current channel. Supports embeds.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.say hi.say #chat hi
.whosplaying / .whpl Utility Utility

Shows a list of users who are playing the specified game.

.whosplaying Overwatch
.inrole Utility Utility

Lists every person from the specified role on this server. You can specify a page before the role to jump to that page. Provide no role to list users who have no roles

.inrole RoleName.inrole 5 RoleName.inrole
.checkperms Utility Utility

Checks yours or bot's user-specific permissions on this channel.

.checkperms me.checkperms bot
.userid / .uid Utility Utility

Shows user ID.

.userid.userid @Someone
.roleid / .rid Utility Utility

Shows the id of the specified role.

.roleid Some Role
.channelid / .cid Utility Utility

Shows current channel ID.

.serverid / .sid Utility Utility

Shows current server ID.

.roles Utility Utility

List roles on this server or roles of a user if specified. Paginated, 20 roles per page.

.roles 2.roles @Someone
.channeltopic / .ct Utility Utility

Sends current channel's topic as a message.

.stats Utility Utility

Shows some basic stats for Nadeko.

.showemojis / .se Utility Utility

Shows a name and a link to every SPECIAL emoji in the message.

.showemojis A message full of SPECIAL emojis
.emojiadd / .ea Utility Utility

Adds the specified emoji to this server. You can specify a name before the emoji to add it under a different name. You can specify a name followed by an image link to add a new emoji from an image. You can omit imageUrl and instead upload the image as an attachment. Image size has to be below 256KB.

ManageEmojisAndStickers Server Perms
.emojiadd :someonesCustomEmoji:.emojiadd MyEmojiName :someonesCustomEmoji:.emojiadd owoNice
.emojiremove / .emojirm Utility Utility

Removes the specified emoji or emojis from this server.

ManageEmojisAndStickers Server Perms
.emojiremove :eagleWarrior: :plumedArcher:
.stickeradd / .sa Utility Utility

Adds the sticker from your message to this server. Send the sticker along with this command (in the same message).

ManageEmojisAndStickers Server Perms
.stickeradd.stickeradd name "description" tag1 tag2 tagN
.listservers Utility Utility

Lists servers the bot is on with some basic info. 15 per page.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.listservers 3
.showembed Utility Utility

Prints the json equivalent of the embed of the message specified by its Id.

.showembed 820022733172121600.showembed #some-channel 820022733172121600
.savechat Utility Utility

Saves a number of messages to a text file and sends it to you.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.savechat 150
.ping Utility Utility

Ping the bot to see if there are latency issues.

.verboseerror / .ve Utility Utility

Toggles or sets whether the bot should print command errors when a command is incorrectly used.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.verboseerror.verboseerror false
.eval Utility Utility

Execute arbitrary C# code and (optionally) return a result. Several namespaces are included by default. Special variables available: self - Instance of the command group executing the command (this) guild - Server in which the command is executed channel - Channel in which the command is executed user - User executing the command ctx - Discord.Net command context services - Nadeko's IServiceProvider

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner OnlyOnly available on selfhosts. Not available on @NadekoNo Public Bot
.eval 123 / 4.5f.eval await ctx.OkAsync();.eval await ctx.Response().Confirm("uwu").SendAsync();
.aliasesclear / .aliasclear Utility CommandMapCommands

Deletes all aliases on this server.

Administrator Server Perms
.alias / .cmdmap Utility CommandMapCommands

Create a custom alias for a certain Nadeko command. Provide no alias to remove the existing one.

Administrator Server Perms
.alias allin .bf all h
.aliaslist / .cmdmaplist Utility CommandMapCommands

Shows the list of currently set aliases. Paginated.

.aliaslist.aliaslist 3
.calculate / .calc Utility CalcCommands

Evaluate a mathematical expression.

.calculate 1+1
.calcops Utility CalcCommands

Shows all available operations in the .calc command

.configreload / .creload Utility ConfigCommands

Reloads specified configuration

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.configreload bot.configreload gambling
.config / .conf Utility ConfigCommands

Gets or sets configuration values. Provide no arguments to see the list of configs you can edit/view. Provide config name to see all properties in that configuration and their values. Provide config name and property name to see that property's description and value. Provide config name, property name and value to set that property to the new value.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.config.config bot.config bot color.ok.config bot color.ok ff0000
.ga start Utility Giveaways

Starts a giveaway. Specify the duration (between 1 minute and 30 days) followed by the prize.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ga start 12h We are giving away one copy of our latest album!.ga start 15m Quick giveaway for a free course!.ga start 1d Join to win 1000$!
.ga end Utility Giveaways

Prematurely ends a giveaway and selects a winner. Specify the ID of the giveaway to end.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ga end ab3
.ga reroll Utility Giveaways

Rerolls a giveaway. Specify the ID of the giveaway to reroll. This is only active within 24h after the giveaway has ended or until the bot restarts.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ga reroll cd3
.ga cancel Utility Giveaways

Cancels a giveaway. Specify the ID of the giveaway to cancel. The winner will not be chosen.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ga cancel ab3
.ga list Utility Giveaways

Lists all active giveaways.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.ga list
.serverinfo / .sinfo Utility InfoCommands

Shows info about the server with the specified ID. The bot has to be on that server. If no server is supplied, it defaults to current one.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.serverinfo 123123132233
.channelinfo / .cinfo Utility InfoCommands

Shows info about the channel. If no channel is supplied, it defaults to current one.

.channelinfo #some-channel
.roleinfo / .rinfo Utility InfoCommands

Shows info about the specified role.

.roleinfo Gamers
.userinfo / .uinfo Utility InfoCommands

Shows info about the user. If no user is supplied, it defaults a user running the command.

.userinfo @SomeUser
.activity Utility InfoCommands

Checks for spammers.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.invitecreate / .invcr Utility InviteCommands

Creates a new invite which has infinite max uses and never expires.


--max-uses (-m) Maximum number of times the invite can be used. Default 0 (never).

--unique (-u) Not setting this flag will result in bot getting the existing invite with the same settings if it exists, instead of creating a new one.

--temporary (-t) If this flag is set, the user will be kicked from the guild once they close their client.

--expire (-e) Time in seconds to expire the invite. Default 0 (no expiry).

CreateInstantInvite Channel Perms
.invitelist / .invlist Utility InviteCommands

Lists all invites for this channel. Paginated with 9 per page.

ManageChannels Channel Perms
.invitelist.invitelist 3
.invitedelete / .invrm Utility InviteCommands

Deletes an invite on the specified index. Use .invitelist to see the list of invites.

ManageChannels Channel Perms
.invitedelete 2
.listquotes / .liqu Utility QuoteCommands

Lists all quotes on the server ordered alphabetically or by ID. 15 Per page.

.listquotes 3.listquotes 3 id
.quoteprint / ... Utility QuoteCommands

Prints a random quote with a specified name.

.quoteprint abc
.quoteshow / .qshow Utility QuoteCommands

Shows information about a quote with the specified ID.

.quoteshow 123
.quotesearch / .qsearch Utility QuoteCommands

Shows a random quote given a search query. Partially matches in several ways: 1) Only content of any quote, 2) only by author, 3) keyword and content, 3) or keyword and author

.quotesearch "find this long text".quotesearch AuthorName.quotesearch keyword some text.quotesearch keyword AuthorName
.quoteid / .qid Utility QuoteCommands

Displays the quote with the specified ID number. Quote ID numbers can be found by typing .liqu [num] where [num] is a number of a page which contains 15 quotes.

.quoteid 123456
.quoteadd / .. Utility QuoteCommands

Adds a new quote with the specified name and message.

.quoteadd sayhi Hi
.quotedelete / .qdel Utility QuoteCommands

Deletes a quote with the specified ID. You have to either have the Manage Messages permission or be the creator of the quote to delete it.

.quotedelete 123456
.quotedeleteauthor / .qdelauth Utility QuoteCommands

Deletes all quotes by the specified author. If the author is not you, then ManageMessage server permission is required.

.quotedeleteauthor @QuoteSpammer
.delallquotes / .daq Utility QuoteCommands

Deletes all quotes on a specified keyword.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.delallquotes kek
.quotesexport / .qexport Utility QuoteCommands

Exports quotes from the current server into a .yml file

Administrator Server Perms
.quotesimport / .qimport Utility QuoteCommands

Upload the file or send the raw .yml data with this command to import all quotes from the specified string or file into the current server.

Administrator Server Perms
.quotesimport <upload .yml file>
.remind Utility RemindCommands

Sends a message to you or a channel after certain amount of time (max 2 months). First parameter is me/here/'channelname'. Second parameter is time in a descending order (mo>w>d>h>m) example: 1w5d3h10m. Third parameter is a (multiword) message. Requires ManageMessages server permission if you're targeting a different channel.

.remind me 1d5h Do something.remind #general 1m Start now!
.remindlist / .remindl Utility RemindCommands

Lists all reminders you created. You can specify 'server' option if you're an Administrator to list all reminders created on this server. Paginated.

Administrator Server Perms
.remindlist 1.remindlist server 2
.reminddelete / .remindrm Utility RemindCommands

Deletes a reminder on the specified index. You can specify 'server' option if you're an Administrator, and you want to delete a reminder on this server created by someone else.

Administrator Server Perms
.reminddelete 3.reminddelete server 2
.repeatskip / .repski Utility RepeatCommands

Specify a repeater's ID to toggle whether the next trigger of the repeater will be skipped. This setting is not stored in the database and will get reset if the bot is restarted.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.repeatskip 3
.repeatinvoke / .repinv Utility RepeatCommands

Immediately shows the repeat message on a certain index and restarts its timer.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.repeatinvoke 1
.repeatremove / .reprm Utility RepeatCommands

Removes a repeating message on a specified index. Use .repeatlist to see indexes.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.repeatremove 2
.repeatredun / .repred Utility RepeatCommands

Specify repeater's index (use .repli to find it) to toggle whether that repeater's message should be reposted if the last message in the channel is the same repeater's message. This is useful if you want to remind everyone to be nice in the channel every so often, but don't want to have the bot spam the channel. This is NOT useful if you want to periodically ping someone.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.repeatredun 1
.repeat Utility RepeatCommands

Repeat a message once every specified amount of time in the current channel. You can instead specify time of day for the message to be repeated daily (make sure you've set your server's timezone). If you've specified time of day, you can still override the default daily interval with your own interval. You can have up to 5 repeating messages on the server in total.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.repeat Hello there.repeat 1h5m Hello @erryone.repeat 10:00 Daily have a nice day! This will execute once every 24h..repeat 21:00 30m Starting at 21 and every 30 minutes after that i will send this message!
.repeatlist / .replst Utility RepeatCommands

Shows currently repeating messages and their indexes.

ManageMessages Server Perms
.streamrole Utility StreamRoleCommands

Sets a role which is monitored for streamers (FromRole), and a role to add if a user from 'FromRole' is streaming (AddRole). When a user from 'FromRole' starts streaming, they will receive an 'AddRole'. You can only have 1 Stream Role per server. Provide no parameters to disable

ManageRoles Server Perms
.streamrole "Eligible Streamers" "Featured Streams"
.streamrolekeyword / .srkw Utility StreamRoleCommands

Sets keyword which is required in the stream's title in order for the streamrole to apply. Provide no keyword in order to reset.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.streamrolekeyword.streamrolekeyword PUBG
.streamroleblacklist / .srbl Utility StreamRoleCommands

Adds or removes a blacklisted user. Blacklisted users will never receive the stream role.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.streamroleblacklist add @Someone#1234.streamroleblacklist rem @Someone#1234
.streamrolewhitelist / .srwl Utility StreamRoleCommands

Adds or removes a whitelisted user. Whitelisted users will receive the stream role even if they don't have the specified keyword in their stream title.

ManageRoles Server Perms
.streamrolewhitelist add @Someone#1234.streamrolewhitelist rem @Someone#1234
.todo add / .todo a Utility todo

Adds a new todo.

.todo add I need to do this
.todo edit / .todo change Utility todo

Edits a todo with the specified ID.

.todo edit abc This is an updated entry
.todo list / .todo ls Utility todo

Lists all todos.

.todo list
.todo show / .todo sh Utility todo

Shows the text of the todo with the specified ID.

.todo show 4a
.todo complete / .todo done Utility todo

Marks a todo with the specified ID as done.

.todo complete 4a
.todo delete / .todo del Utility todo

Deletes a todo with the specified ID.

.todo delete abc
.todo clear / .todo clr Utility todo

Deletes all unarchived todos.

.todo clear
.todo archive add / .todo archive create Utility archive

Creates a new archive with the specified name using current todos.

.todo archive add Day 1
.todo archive list / .todo archive ls Utility archive

Lists all archived todo lists.

.todo archive list
.todo archive show Utility archive

Shows the archived todo list with the specified ID.

.todo archive show 3c
.todo archive delete / .todo archive del Utility archive

Deletes the archived todo list with the specified ID.

.todo archive delete 99
.convertlist Utility UnitConverterCommands

List of the convertible dimensions and currencies.

.convert Utility UnitConverterCommands

Convert quantities. Use .convertlist to see supported dimensions and currencies.

.convert m km 1000
.experience / .xp Xp Xp

Shows your xp stats. Specify the user to show that user's stats instead.

.experience.experience @someguy
.xpnotify / .xpn Xp Xp

Sets how the bot should notify you when you get a server or global level. This is a personal setting and affects only how you receive Global or Server level-up notifications. You can set dm (for the bot to send you a direct message), channel (to get notified in the channel you sent the last message in) or none to disable.

.xpnotify global dm.xpnotify server channel
.xpexclude / .xpex Xp Xp

Exclude a channel, role or current server from the xp system.

Administrator Server Perms
.xpexclude Role Excluded-Role.xpexclude Server
.xpexclusionlist / .xpexl Xp Xp

Shows the roles and channels excluded from the XP system on this server, as well as whether the whole server is excluded.

.xpleaderboard / .xplb Xp Xp

Shows current server's xp leaderboard.


--clean (-c) Only show users who are on the server.

.xpgleaderboard / .xpglb Xp Xp

Shows the global xp leaderboard.

.xpadd Xp Xp

Adds server XP to a single user or all users role on this server. This does not affect their global ranking. You can use negative values.

Administrator Server Perms
.xpadd 100 @Someone.xpadd 500 SomeRoleName
.xptempreload / .xptr Xp Xp

Reloads the xp template file. Xp template file allows you to customize the position and color of elements on the .xp card.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.xpreset Xp Xp

Resets specified user's XP, or the XP of all users in the server. You can't reverse this action.

Administrator Server Perms
.xpreset @Someone.xpreset
.xpshop Xp Xp

Access the xp shop (if enabled). You can purchase either xp card frames or backgrounds. You can optionally provide a page number

.xpshop bgs.xpshop frames.xpshop bgs 3
.xpshopbuy Xp Xp

Buy an item from the xp shop by specifying the type and the key of the item.

.xpshopbuy bg open_sea.xpshopbuy fr gold
.xpshopuse Xp Xp

Use a previously purchased item from the xp shop by specifying the type and the key of the item.

.xpshopuse bg synth.xpshopuse fr default
.clubtransfer Xp Club

Transfers the ownership of the club to another member of the club.

.clubtransfer @Someone
.clubadmin Xp Club

Assigns (or unassigns) staff role to the member of the club. Admins can ban, kick and accept applications.

.clubadmin @Someone
.clubcreate Xp Club

Creates a club. You must be at least level 5 and not be in the club already.

.clubcreate My Brand New Club
.clubicon Xp Club

Sets the club icon.

.clubinfo Xp Club

Shows information about the club.

.clubinfo My Brand New Club#23
.clubbans Xp Club

Shows the list of users who have banned from your club. Paginated. You must be club owner to use this command.

.clubbans 2
.clubapps Xp Club

Shows the list of users who have applied to your club. Paginated. You must be club owner to use this command.

.clubapps 2
.clubapply Xp Club

Apply to join a club. You must meet that club's minimum level requirement, and not be on its ban list.

.clubapply My Brand New Club#23
.clubaccept Xp Club

Accept a user who applied to your club.

.clubaccept user#1337
.clubreject Xp Club

Reject a user who applied to your club.

.clubreject user#1337
.clubleave Xp Club

Leaves the club you're currently in.

.clubkick Xp Club

Kicks the user from the club. You must be the club owner. They will be able to apply again.

.clubkick user#1337
.clubban Xp Club

Bans the user from the club. You must be the club owner. They will not be able to apply again.

.clubban user#1337
.clubunban Xp Club

Unbans the previously banned user from the club. You must be the club owner.

.clubunban user#1337
.clubdesc Xp Club

Sets the club description. Maximum 150 characters. Club owner only.

.clubdesc This is the best club please join.
.clubdisband Xp Club

Disbands the club you're the owner of. This action is irreversible.

.clublb / .clubs Xp Club

Shows club rankings on the specified page.

.clublb 2
.clubrename Xp Club

Renames your club. Requires you club ownership or club-admin status.

.clubrename New cool club name
.xprewsreset Xp XpRewards

Resets all currently set xp level up rewards.

Administrator Server Perms
.xplvluprewards / .xprews Xp XpRewards

Shows currently set level up rewards.

.xprolereward / .xprr Xp XpRewards

Add or remove a role from the user who reaches the specified level. Provide no action and role name in order to remove the role reward.

Administrator Server Perms
.xprolereward 1 rm Newbie.xprolereward 3 add Social.xprolereward 5 add Member.xprolereward 5
.xpcurreward / .xpcr Xp XpRewards

Sets a currency reward on a specified level. Provide no amount in order to remove the reward.

Only available to the user who's Selfhosting the bot and whose ID is in creds.ymlBot Owner Only
.xpcurreward 3 50